Internet Service Provider

Internet Service Provider

Internet Service Provider

Numbers starting with 1700 are within the service area of the Oi Fixo landline operator for some Internet Service Providers (ISPs) to provide dial-up Internet access to certain Oi customers. Such customers have special pricing agreements with Oi and are charged less than the price of regular local calls when calling such dial-up access numbers.Local directory assistance can be obtained by dialing 102 , but the service is charged as a regular local call in most instances except from payphones. However, all local landline telephone companies offer on-line directory inquiries on their s. Mobile lines are not available for inquiry, for privacy and security reasons.

Internet Service Provider

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Internet Service Provider - Codes of Brazil +55 BR - Country Code for Mobile Phones and Whatsapp
Internet Service Provider - Codes of Brazil +55 BR - Country Code for Mobile Phones and Whatsapp
Internet Service Provider Brazil
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